Global finance: Moody's payout to settle for inflated ratings before GFC

Cantonese show

Summary: Moody's has agreed to pay nearly $US864 million ($1.1 billion) to settle federal and state claims it gave inflated ratings to risky mortgage investments in the years leading up to the global financial crisis. Moody's, along with the other two majo... (報導指,美國三大評級機構之一穆迪,被要求向美國聯邦和州政府繳付八億六千多萬罰款,原因是該三大評級機構一度對高風險抵押貸款評級過高以獲得了利潤豐厚利潤,不過,做法卻被批評是導致2008年出現全球金融危機的元兇之一。梁焱剛請來胡嘉龍理財會計師事務所主席胡嘉龍為大家分析評級機構在當年全球金融危機中扮演甚麼角色,以及美國政府要求穆迪邀交高額罰款,是否能收阻嚇作用。)