Talkback - How will our world change with Trump becomes US president?

Cantonese show

Summary: After Donald Trump sworn in to be the 45th president of the United States, are you worry that our world will be in turmoil? (Guest - Edmund Fung, Emeritus, Adjunct Professor of Asian Studies , School of Humanities & Communication Arts, U of Wester... (美國候任總統特朗普上任前的種種出位言論均成媒體關注的焦點,但他於一月二十日正式就任後,是否真會為國際及亞太區形勢帶來嚴重影響與改變呢?鄺美玲及梁焱剛,請來西雪梨大學人文及傳播藝術學系名譽兼職教授馮兆基為大家詳加分析。  )