How Wrong Was Mike? – Podcast Predictions From Last Year – PHD095

Podcast Help Desk show

Summary: My Predictions from 2015 in podcasting for the Year 2016<br> I Made some guesses on what was going to happen in 2016 back in Episode 71. Now we find out just how wrong I was.<br> <br> * Soundcloud will no longer be a podcast media host (Wrong, they are still here)<br> <br> Soundcloud is still here and still nobody has bought them and they haven’t gone out of business (yet)<br> <br> * There will be at least one new podcast media hostt (Right)<br> <br> Dan Benjamin's Fireside along with a BUNCH of others that didn’t really make a splash yet.<br> <br> * There will be at least one new podcast media host go out of business (??)<br> At least none that I know of. I'm sure there were some, but they went out with no splash just like they came in with no splash.<br> <br> * I will release “The NO BS Guide to Podcasting”. No Really…. I am going to finish it (wrong)<br> <br> It will come out sooner or later or never :)<br> <br> * Feedburner will still exist all year long. (Right)<br> <br> Yup.. Still a pain in my side.<br> <br> * Podcast Movement will be a big success. (no brainer) (right)<br> <br> PM16 was great! The first one I went to and it was a ton of fun. Reminded me of the good old days in Ontario.<br> <br> * Blab will start charging “something” for service or will start some sort of advertising. (Not talked about in the show) (WTF? They went out of business)<br> <br> They are just gone. So I don’t know if I was right or wrong. I guess wrong, they didn’t start charging, they just went out of business. Free is a lousy business plan.<br> <br> * A major player in the podcasting space (company) will change names / rebrand. (wrong)<br> <br> At least, not that I know of. Blubrry went through a sort of re-branding. It’s now “Blubrry Podcasting, a RawVoice Company” in communications. But, really it was that all along.<br> <br> * There will be a major Movie announced that features podcasting in the central plot. (not a documentary or independent film) (Wrong - As far as I know)<br> <br> Also not that I’m aware of.<br> <br> * Howard Stern will still hate podcasting. (Right)<br> <br> HAPPY 2017!<br>  <br> <br>