30: Revolutionary New Approach To Weight Loss

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Summary: <br> For the past couple of years I've kicked off the new year with two things on this blog, a list of my <a href="http://gatesinteriordesign.com/2015-new-years-resolutions/">resolutions</a> (mainly to hold me accountable) and a <a href="http://gatesinteriordesign.com/design-101-podcast/">podcast</a> with world renowned astrologers to help us navigate the new year. This year I decided to do something different. But don't fret, I have an astrologer scheduled to come on the show in February, for those who like to have a forecast for the year! The reason I wanted to do something different is many people often have similar resolutions. In fact the top three are always related to money, health and happiness. And the content of this podcast changed my life in all three! Making it perfect to nail your resolutions too!<br> Over the past five years I have made it my mission to get healthy. I've said numerous times on this blog that it did not happen overnight. It's been a stepping stone approach to progress:<br> <br> Started hot yoga<br> Filed for divorce (yes this made me healthier!)<br> Became a vegetarian<br> Changed 50% of my diet to organic, <a href="http://gatesinteriordesign.com/americans-the-unwilling-and-uninformed-subjects-of-the-largest-human-experiment-ever/">and why you should too</a><br> <a href="http://gatesinteriordesign.com/the-evolution-of-a-new-brand/">Sold everything</a> to pave my way to <a href="http://gatesinteriordesign.com/21-ways-get-debt-avoid-overwhelm/">financial freedom</a><br> Started easing into <a href="http://gatesinteriordesign.com/15-easy-ways-to-ease-into-zero-waste-living/">eco practices</a><br> Eliminated all processed foods<br> Eliminated all soft drinks<br> Cut out 50% of <a href="http://gatesinteriordesign.com/4-toxic-food-substitutes-lurking-pantry/">sugar</a> intake<br> Went 100% <a href="http://gatesinteriordesign.com/gmos-the-shocking-truth-about-our-food-system/">organic</a><br> Attained financial freedom<br> Combined yoga with weight training<br> <br> <br> To continue reading, <a href="http://gatesinteriordesign.com/revolutionary-new-approach-to-weight-loss/">click here.</a><br>