11/11/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: It's Veterans Day and we provide a special thank you to all our men and women who served in the U.S. armed forces. After that, Chris Christie is out as head of the Trump transition team and Vice President elect Mike Pence will be leading it now. Christie was bringing in Bushies, Romney people, and Chamber of Commerce people. What we really need in the Trump administration are solid conservatives. The reason Christie is not Chairman is because he was undermining Trump and conservatives and not because of Bridgegate. Trump needs to be careful not to surround himself with Nixon types. The Republican Establishment is going to do everything that can be done to water down Trump's agenda. We need to do everything we can to insert a liberty agenda. Later, Democrats including Chuck Schumer and Elizabeth Warren are pushing Keith Ellison to head the DNC as Chairman. Ellison is a radical leftist with ties to the Muslim brotherhood and he supports CAIR. The message that Schumer, Warren and those like them is that the Democrat Party is not radical enough. The radical left agenda is never in retreat, but the conservative agenda always seems to be. Also, the Democrat party is shrinking with Hillary Clinton obtaining almost 10 million less votes than President Obama did in 2008. The public has had enough of the radical leftism in this country and the Democrats have had about enough of their own party.