11/14/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: Those who are principled constitutional conservatives have a role to play in the new Trump government. Our role is to push aggressively when the Trump administration supports conservative principles and push back when it doesn’t. Conservatives need to watch out for those like Chuck Schumer and the left who are already trying to sabotage and seek to sabotage the Trump administration when Trump takes the helm early next year. In addition, Trump is bringing on Steve Bannon of Breitbart, and RNC Chair Reince Priebus into his administration. Some are claiming that Bannon is a racist but there is no evidence for that. Reince Priebus is a phony and took credit for a large turnout, which never occurred, for Ken Cuccinelli’s race for governor in Virginia. Later, some on the left are against the states nullifying federal laws. What are sanctuary cities but places that nullify federal immigration law? After that, we have an Electoral College because the Framers of the Constitution didn’t believe in direct democracy. The Framers believed in unalienable rights and that if there was no electoral college people would vote to take away these rights. In addition, having an Electoral College ensures that the states matter, have equal representation and that candidates aren’t just campaigning in Los Angeles and New York.