11/15/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: The Trump administration cannot succeed if it doesn’t put some conservatives in some very senior positions in the cabinet. We mostly see establishment types on Donald Trump’s shortlist. Sen Jeff Sessions would be great to head the Justice Dept or Attorney General. John Bolton would be brilliant as Secretary of State, not Rudy Giuliani, who has no solid conservative credentials except for law enforcement. You want to pick the best people you can who will be loyal to you and who share your ideology. But the Republican establishment does not share conservative principles and they do not want to implement a conservative agenda. Also, the best person that Trump should nominate for Supreme Court is Sen Mike Lee, who’s on his shortlist. The supreme court is a big reason why conservatives voted for Trump. The only problem is that Trump would have to put aside the fact that Lee wasn’t a Trump supporter. Finally, when democrats lose elections, they say that it’s rigged and the system needs to be changed and they always attack the constitution. Now they have a proposal to abolish Electoral College and it looks to be gaining steam.