11/17/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: On Thursday's Mark Levin show, Nancy Pelosi should be House minority leader, Chuck Schumer should be Senate minority leader, and Keith Ellison should be head of the DNC. Because if the Democrats reach into their farm team and elect moderates, they’d be a lot tougher to beat than these radicals. For us, the more radical and repulsive the people the Democrats nominate for high office, the better. Unfortunately, to leading Democrats, the Democratic Party isn’t radical enough. After that, what is it with President Obama traveling the world? He’s a complete failure in foreign and domestic policy and has no place lecturing Donald Trump or the world. Also, since Obama has been President, the Republicans hold more state legislatures and governorships since the Reconstruction era. That is one thing about Obama that Republicans can be thankful for. Later, Mitt Romney is now being considered for Secretary of State. Sen Bob Corker would be the worst nominee but Mitt Romney is not much better. He used his position as a former Republican nominee to eviscerate Trump in a speech and bash him as a low life. He has no business visiting Trump Tower to discuss this position. Finally, Ben Shapiro of the Daily Wire calls in to discuss his speech at the University of Wisconsin where he put down leftist protestors who eventually left on their own out of embarrassment.