11/18/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: Sen Jeff Sessions, Mike Flynn and Mike Pompeo were appointed to serve in senior positions in the Trump administration and they are great appointments by President Elect Donald Trump. The left is trying to ruin Sessions by accusing him of making racist comments. Sessions is a thoroughly decent human being and doesn’t have a racist bone in his body. He’s an extremely ethical man who worked to desegregate schools in Alabama and has done more to ruin the KKK than Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi or President Obama have ever done. The Trump team has to be ready for this leftist onslaught against Trump appointees because they are testing Trump to try and make him buckle. After that, this new nationalism that some talk about is nothing new. The phrase, “new nationalism” was first coined in a speech given by Theodore Roosevelt in 1910. He was a Republican then who denounced the Declaration of Independence and embraced the new nationalism. Roosevelt rejected the American heritage and limitations placed on the federal government. He argued for a powerful central government that would take care of welfare of people. Finally, we don’t believe in global government that disenfranchises Americans and tears down the Constitution. Trade is not globalism and Trump needs to understand this.