11/23/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: Dan Bongino, Contributing Editor of Conservative Review fills in for Mark. The liberal Democrats loved the electoral college before President-elect Trump won the election. But now they are attacking it because the liberals change their positions on many things when it suits them. They even had a nickname for the electoral college, “the blue wall” which was a group of states Democrats counted on to win elections since 1988 to beat Republicans. Now they are complaining and saying that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, but that doesn’t matter, the electoral college matters. After an election we shouldn’t assume that liberals will take the high road. We conservatives stick to our positions and principles whether we lose or win the elections. In addition, the left always uses the racist label all the time. They are at it again especially when it comes to the media coverage of Trump. Without using the label of racism the left has absolutely no valid arguments. The media and the left are all in collaboration with each other.