11/24/16 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Podcast show

Summary: We bring you the best of Mark Levin and wish you a very happy Thanksgiving. Congratulations to President-elect Donald Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence. It was not Trump who defeated Hillary Clinton. Rather, the constitutional conservatives who went forth and voted for him are the real victors. Trump won by running on one of the most conservative policy records and agendas of any modern president. It wasn’t until later when we held his feet to the fire insisting that he embrace conservative principles that he was able to do so. Now it’s time to get to work on implementing that conservative agenda. And we’re going to insist that on these important conservative issues that this Republican monopoly advance our principles, the principles they said that they would institute. Also, the National Republican Senatorial Committee had nothing to do with the success of the Trump campaign. They didn’t even come out to support Darryl Glenn for Senate in Colorado. Glenn, an African American military veteran lost his race by 2%. The NRSC didn’t spend one penny on his race because they want to keep conservatives out. Finally, one thing Republicans and Democrats should be able to agree on is that FBI Director James Comey needs to be fired. Being an FBI director is not a job for a politician.