Trump Time Approaches!

Europe Calling show

Summary: The King of Spain calls for an end to the scourge of corruption. Spanish police bust gang who smuggled thousands of Ukranians into Britain. Barcelona is preparing its own currency. Spain unblocks a massive arms deal with Saudi Arabia and animal cruelty is in the spotlight although local Benidorm fiestas run smoothly. Nato EU spending commitment is put in the spotlight by Donald Trump. Angela Merkel hints at an immigration deal with Britain as Nigel Farage meets with Donald Trump before Teresa May. The child abuse inquiry is in the news again as another lawyer quits. As a boy aged four is sexually assaulted by older pupils a married headteacher is jailed for sending sexy text messages to a teenage girl and a secondary headteacher bans pupils from hugging. In Wales two girls were suspended after footage of their bullying appeared on social media, More weird judgements as a driver who ran over an elderly lady twice is spared jail and a suspected hacker who has Asperges is sent to the US for trial. Manchester United's Wayne Rooney let his managers down and Cornwall villages want to ban holiday homes.