We're Stll Stalling.....

Europe Calling show

Summary: In an astonishing U-turn, Angela Merkel, the German chancellor said wearing the burka should be outlawed 'wherever that is legally possible'. Spanish rescue vessels rescued 64 undocumented migrants on Tuesday .... Two people were left dead at the weekend as the result of torrential rainfall that fell on Sunday on the Costa del Sol and in Cádiz. ...... For first time, Spain hits average OECD levels but experts stress teacher quality needs improving The US based firm Cordish is planning to buildLive! Resorts Madrid, ....and contribute 56,433 jobs to the Spanish economy. Rebels who oppose Theresa May's amendment on a Brexit deadline in the Commons tonight are trying to 'thwart' the referendum...... Supreme Court judges were warned not to make the 'bizarre' decision to let MPs vote on whether to trigger Brexit .....the right to decide whether to leave or not as it saw fit? Record numbers of EU migrants came to the UK in the run-up to the referendum........ Muslims in some parts of the country are so cut off from the rest of society that they believe the majority of Britons share their faith......tsar Dame Louise Casey has found that thousands of Muslims live in enclaves with their own housing estates, schools and television channels. Britain is poised to be crowned the fastest-growing G7 nation after the crucial services sector surge to a 10-month high last month. Speaking at Liverpool John Moores University, Mark Carney, who earns £874,000 a year, said how globalisation meant ‘the superstar and the lucky’ thrive while others struggle.