UK Unions Back in Town

Europe Calling show

Summary: A man has been arrested in connection with a horrifying attack at a Berlin underground station after a cash reward was offered by the bodyguard of stars such as Lady Gaga......... ... While Teresa May argues about leather trousers with Nicky Miller the EU discuss the implications of Brexit without her. Meanwhile, Lord Price participated Wednesday morning in a working breakfast organised by Executive Forum with the collaboration of Ferrovial. British Trade Minister, Lord Price attended at the Hotel Palace in Madrid and praised the excellent trade relations with Spain and also referred to the consequences of Brexit for the UK and the EU. Five members of a far-left Catalan party were released on Tuesday after refusing to answer a judge’s questions in a case involving the burning of photographs of Spain’s King Felipe VI. Spanish authorities have arrested a man who already served 18 years for participating in state-sponsored death squads in the 1980s, on the suspicion that he was now preparing an Islamist attack in Spain. The arrest took place in the province of Segovia A court in Málaga has condemned Banco Popular to return the money it received, 227,000 € to married couple now back in Great Britain who had paid in advance for a flat which was never granted an accommodation licence for town planning irregularities. Francisco Núñez, nicknamed ‘Marchena’ has discovered a commemorative plaque in his village of Bienvenida (Badajoz) – he also the oldest living veteran of the Spanish civil war. Some 300,000 rail passengers who use Southern services each day had to find other routes after the drivers with the Aslef union started their 48- hour walk out at......... Aslef’s heavily-tattooed president Tosh McDonald standing with Corbyn is a perfect example of the intimate relationship between Labour's leader and Britain’s biggest rail unions. BBC screened a contoversial Muslims Like Us show. The first episode saw a storm of angry comments on Twitter. The show, which sees ten Muslims sharing a house, was largely slammed, with many saying that those involved had 'sold out'. Convicted fraudster and ex-boxing champion Anthony Small now known as Abdul Haqq after converting to Islam 21 years old prisoner from North Ayrshire, was jailed for life in 2012 after admitting to killing 13-year-old Jon Wilson has been posting pictures on Facebook under the name Canman Cameron. Karly Tophill, from Cornwall, was so frustrated by her son's apparent inability to get off his iPhone she imposed a year-long ban on Dylan, 13, having it, with dramatic results in six weeks.....and A British study suggests children who are read to by their mothers or are helped with their homework between the ages of 3 and 7 tend to have more advanced cognitive abilities