Episode 409 – The Trumpmare Before Christmas

The Tim Corrimal Show show

Summary: The Tim Corrimal Show Episode 409 – December 18, 2016 On episode 409 of The Tim Corrimal Show, I am joined at the round table by Joe (@Marnus3 on Twitter) from The Poorly Written Political Blog, CaitlinChris (@caitlinchris on Twitter), TheDailyEdge (@TheDailyEdge on Twitter) from https://www.facebook.com/TheDailyEdge and @RealDonalDrumpf (@RealDonalDrumpf on Twitter) and Janet (Janet Lee Bunderson on Facebook) from Southern Progressive Revival on IndieMediaWeekly.com. On the show this week we start out with introductions and the All A Tweetie segment and then we feature another hilarious song Join Trump’s Circus from Lauren Mayer (@LaurensComedy on Twitter). Then Joe gives us another hilarious Clown Car Update with a parody of “The Night Before Christmas.” Then we discuss the Electoral College vote on November 19th and the campaign to get conscientious GOP Electors to change their vote. And after another fabulous commercial from our great friends over at BubbleGenius.com, we discuss several news clips about the 17 Intelligence Agency’s new releases about Russian hacker’s influence on the 2016 US Election and we close out the show discussing an interview with former US Rep. Joe Walsh’s comments about the situation. Be sure to follow me, @timcorrimal on Twitter and join the fun. Also check out our Facebook Page. The Tim Corrimal Show is available on the Stitcher.com Mobile App for your Smart Phone or Tablet as well as in iTunes.  The show is also now being broadcast on Netroots Radio at 6:30am Eastern on Mondays at netrootsradio.com.  You can also listen to the show on IndieMediaWeekly on Mondays and Wednesday from 8:30am to 9:30am Eastern at http://indiemediaweekly.com/how-do-i-listen-to-indie-media-weekly-radio/. Help Lauren Mayer’s Kickstarter Campaign for her new album “Guess I Picked The Wrong Week to Quit Sniffing Glue” at https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1740929991/guess-i-picked-the-wrong-week-to-quit-sniffing-glu. Also check out Lauren’s other albums including “If My Uterus Were a Gun (And Other Musical Rants from the News)” at Amazon.com or on iTunes. Twitter Friends of the Week Mentions: @frankconniff @BadAstronomer @PENamerican @kurteichenwald @TeaPartyCat Music on the show: Mystic Snowman – Lez Zeppelin http://www.lezzeppelin.com/ https://www.facebook.com/LezZep https://twitter.com/Lez_Zeppelin Check out Lez Zeppelin’s Music in the iTunes Store Check out Lez Zeppelin’s Music at Amazon.com