228期:对话·印度朋友看西方世界 – Talk culture diversity with Indian

狗熊有话说 show

Summary: 我在来到新西兰租住的第一个公寓里,结识了一位印度兄弟 Piyush。他是位程序员,在新西兰读完书后,几乎有一年的时间一直没有找到工作,因为经济原因吃不起新鲜的蔬菜,2年只穿两件T恤没有买新衣。但即使如此,他和老婆都没有放弃,甚至在我刚刚来到新西兰还完全不熟悉情况时,他还主动来和我分享找工作的经验。终于,在签证只剩下3个月就要过期的时候,他找到了工作,还是永久的 Offer。这期节目,是在我即将搬离公寓的前一晚,我们坐在公寓的客厅壁炉边录制的。在这期节目里,一个中国人和一个印度人,分享了我们对于西方世界的观点和看法。而结论是共同的:走出去看看吧,这是个精彩的,丰富的,多姿多彩的世界,就像是这期节目的封面一样,值得我们离开自己的舒适圈。 注:本期节目为全英文对话,我目前没有精力翻译中文版啦。如果你在学英语,可以试着听一听,Piyush的发音虽然仍然有口音,但已经比大多数印度人的英语标准很多。 The first Indian friend I got in New Zealand is Piyush, who is a Java and Android developer. He was searching job for nearly a year, life was hard for him. He didn’t give up, and he got a permanent job offer just 3 months before his open work visa expiring date. He shared his story with me before the day I moved to a new place, I shared some feeling with him as a new comer in New Zealand. We have a conclusion: the world is so dynamic and it worth us to go out of our comfort zone to explore.