Faith: You have a Different Spirit - Let It Be Known, August 3, 2014

The Rock of KC show

Summary: Numbers 13:1-33; 14:1-24 Faith: You have a Different Spirit-Let It Be Known I. There will always be a conflict: A. Of the few and the many B. The Confident and Fearful C. The Courageous and the Cowardly D. The Doubting and the Believing II. Characteristics of People with a Spirit of Faith A. They see themselves as giant killers and not grasshoppers B. They are willing to stand out from the majority opinion C. They allow God to capture and seize their attention and affections (worship) D. They See the Bigness of God instead of just the bigness of their problem E. They see the eternal end instead of the temporary circumstance (Caleb persisted in faith for another 40 years) F. They face their very real fears with their very real faith G. They know who they are in Christ and who Christ is inNumbers 13:1-33; 14:1-24 Faith: You have a Different Spirit-Let It Be Known I. There will always be a conflict: A. Of the few and the many B. The Confident and Fearful C. The Courageous and the Cowardly D. The Doubting and the Believing II. Characteristics of People with a Spirit of Faith A. They see themselves as giant killers and not grasshoppers B. They are willing to stand out from the majority opinion C. They allow God to capture and seize their attention and affections (worship) D. They See the Bigness of God instead of just the bigness of their problem E. They see the eternal end instead of the temporary circumstance (Caleb persisted in faith for another 40 years) F. They face their very real fears with their very real faith G. They know who they are in Christ and who Christ is in them.