Transformed, Part 1: Spiritual Health, Nov 2, 2014

The Rock of KC show

Summary: How to Get Closer to God Part I Spiritual Health The further away you get from God, the more your life is troubled. The closer you get to God, the more your life is transformed. four things to do in order to get back to God! 1. I Get Fed Up! “...he wasted it all…he had nothing left…he got desperate and hungry… he finally came to his senses...” Luke 15:13-14, 17 God loves you just the way you are but He does not want you to stay in that condition. God has no desire to see you waste your life. GOD: “You’ll find me when you get serious about finding me and want it more than anything else.” Jeremiah 29:13 (Mes) 2. I Own up! “When he came to his senses, he said...“I have sinned against God and you...” Luke 15:17-18 “Your sins have separated you from your God, and have hidden his face from you...” Isaiah 59:2 Blame is spelled b-lame! Quit blaming everyone else for your spiritual condition. 3. I offer Up! I offer up my life, my total being. The son drifted away saying, “GIVE ME MY share...” Luke 15:12 He returned to the Father saying, “MAKE ME a servant” Luke 15:19 Do you notice a change in attitude? This is transformation. When your heart moves from self-centeredness to God-centeredness that is true godly transformation. 4. I lift Up My Praise! “We’re going to celebrate with a feast of eating and drinking...He was lost but now he’s found! So the party begins!” Luke 15:23-24 “Sing to God, sing praises to his name; LIFT UP A SONG to him... his name is the Lord!” Psalm 68:4 (ESV) The Father celebrated. He did not condemn! I am fed up! I own up I offer up I lift up!