Better Together, Part 1, Mar 1, 2015

The Rock of KC show

Summary: The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." Gen.2:18 "A man who isolates himself seeks his own desire; He rages against all wise judgment." Proverbs 18:1 Ecclesiastes 4:8-12, Psalm 68:5-6 Is it wrong for me to think about me? Is it possible for me to be fully surrendered to Christ, to fully follow His will, take up my cross, deny myself and celebrate Me? To be fully devoted to His purpose and plan? WE > ME God designed me to live in the we. God's plan for me is connected in the We Church is not just a place for me to attend but a community to belong to. Church is God's idea. A community He created for every "Me" to belong to so "We" can spur one another on to love and good deeds. Scripture teaches that an attitude of "We" is elevated over the attitude of "Me" "We" Can do more than "Me" We are better together. We achieve more together and "Me" is actually made better by "We" Scripture Teaches us to have an attitude that elevates "We" over the "Me" Consider this: Phil 2:1-7 Example: If you get up and walk out of a service early then Me just distracted We in order to get ahead of the crowd. Every Me is formed for the greater We. Any Me that separates from the We becomes a self-governing, self- opinionated individual. Seeking their own desire. Every Me matters to God! Luke 16 a lost sheep, a lost coin and a lost boy. Bill Taylor founder of Fast Company writing in the Harvard Business Review says: New York Times pundit David Brooks recently expressed in 800 words a message I have spent the last 15 years trying to communicate to senior business leaders and ambitious young people around the world. The title of Brooks's column was "It's Not About You," and he wrote it as a rebuttal to commencement-season addresses that urge young people to follow their passion, pursue their dreams, and, above all, do what makes them happy. "This is the litany of expressive individualism," Brooks warns, and "this mantra misleads on nearly every front. truth be told, the column makes him sound like a bit of a curmudgeon, the skunk at balloon-filled graduation parties celebrating the sense of possibility and the spirit of freedom that defines life for young people who have come of age in a world of instant communications, global connectivity, and dotcom millionaires. But I'm with Brooks and his words of warning against the cult of self-fulfillment. The more executives, entrepreneurs, and talented individuals I get to know, the more convinced I become that true happiness, a genuine sense of satisfaction, comes, as Brooks suggests, not from "finding" yourself but from losing" yourself — in a company you believe in, a cause you are prepared to fight for, a commitment to solve a problem that has defied solution. In other words, "we" is bigger than "me" — the true measure of success is not the value you create for yourself but the values that define your work and how you lead and live. God has designed us to be Connected for His purpose: Ephesians 2:15-22, Ephesians 4:11-16, I Corinthians 12:4-27