Crash the Chatterbox Series, Part 2, March 29, 2015

The Rock of KC show

Summary: - The voice we respond to determines the future we experience. - Ps. 139: 13-15 - Four Confessions around 4 areas where we hear a lot of chatter that try to keep us from believing what God says! - Confess: To Say the same thing. To agree with what God says! - Confession 1: God Says I Am - Overpowering the lies of the Enemy in your Insecurities - Confession 2: God Says He Will - Overpowering the lies of the Enemy in your fears - Confession 3: God Says He Has - Overpowering the Enemy in your condemnation - Confession 4: God Says I Can - Overpowering the lies of the Enemy in your discouragement - “I am Never______________ Enough” - Exodus 3:1-11 - Moses’ instinctive response is driven by insecurity! 1. I'm so dysfunctional (Exodus 2:11-15) 2. I'm so deficient - lacking something that is needed, not having enough of what is necessary. (Exodus 4:10-13) - When You doubt the product. You Insult the manufacturer! - If God left it out of you then it is not needed for you to fulfill your destiny! 3. I'm so doubtful (Exodus 4:14,16, 3:13-15) - Moses I know You are: Doubtful, Deficient, Dysfunctional - But I am the God who fills in your blank! - I am never__________enough. - Whatever you are not I will be to you if you will trust me! I am! - It is not about what you are it is about who I am! - Exodus 20:7 - do not take God's name in vain - If I am in you then you are not either! - I am so dysfunctional but God says I am so gracious - I am so deficient but God says I am so sufficient - I am so doubtful bot God says I am so faithful - Let God be what you are not - In Him I am! - When you stand before your deficiency, your doubts, your dysfunction and they ask, "Do you think you are able to meet the challenges that are before you?" Look right back at them and say, "I don’t think I am. I know that I am! I am free, I am forgiven, I am capable, I am loved, I am more than a conqueror!"