Crash the Chatterbox Series, Part 4, April 19, 2015

The Rock of KC show

Summary: You can’t Make me Ashamed! Luke 22:54-62, Revelations 12:10-11 God wants to teach us to triumph over our accuser John 14:26 We have an Accuser who is shaming God's servants We have an Advocate who is defending God's children The 3 P's of Shame: 1. Personal - "What's wrong with me?" 2. Permanent - "I always mess up" 3. Pervasive - I always mess up everything Shame is the fuel of relapse The Accuser will always remind you of your shame and the Advocate will remind you of your righteousness in Jesus Christ! Luke 21:31-32 Simon means "shifty one" but I am calling you Peter "the rock" Even if you fail, do not let your faith fail What He has done for us stands greater than the sin and shame that stands against us