You've Got a Friend, Mother's Day, May 10, 2015

The Rock of KC show

Summary: John 14:25-27 (Amp) Who we surround ourselves with, makes a huge difference in our world. Jesus left us with the presence of God. Wherever we are, He is there. He is the Difference Maker 3 things that we can learn from this friend: 1. He brings light to our loneliness - 2 Timothy 4:17,18 - People need people. 2. He brings triumph in the transitions - 2 Corinthians 11:26-29 NIV - Holy Spirit will grace us to embrace the transition. He is with us! 3. He brings peace in the middle of our pain - Phil 4:7 - And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. A peace beyond our understanding. No matter what is going on , He will quiet our anxiety, He will calm the storms, He will bring refreshment to the dry places of our heart. God will never allow our pain to outweigh His power. There is peace in the presence of Holy Spirit. He will remind us who He is and who we are. We have a Friend - who loves us, wants to help us, wants to spend time with us, wants to show us what He can do.