GI Show – Dishonored 2, New Pokémon, Game Music Trivia

The Game Informer Show show

Summary: Welcome back to another week with The Game Informer Show. We have a big episode this week, with Matt Bertz and Javy Gwaltney praising Dishonored 2, Elise Favis and Jeff Marchiafava explaining the pros and cons of Watch Dogs 2, and Kyle Hilliard and Joe Juba debating the evolution of Pokémon Sun and Moon. After some wonderful community emails covering important topics like Fusion Frenzy and farts, we debut a new trivia segment for the show with Kyle Hilliard and Brian Shea facing off with their knowledge of video game music. We're calling it "Name That Game" for now, so let us know if you like the segment in the comments below. Also, the next GI Game Club is coming up on December 1 and we're covering everything up to the end of the second island in Pokémon Sun and Moon. Come play with us and send feedback to You can watch the video below, subscribe and listen to the audio on iTunes or Google Play, or listen to episode 323 on SoundCloud. Also, be sure to send your questions to for a chance to have them answered on the show and win a prize by becoming Email of the Week! (Please visit the site to view this media) To jump to a particular point in the discussion, check out the time stamps below... 1:30 - Dishonored 2 19:53 - Watch Dogs 2 39:50 - Pokémon Sun & Moon 57:00 - Community emails 1:33:10 - Name That Game Music Trivia