Ask Allie: What Reality are You Creating?

Ask Allie show

Summary: December 5, 2016 Ask Allie Podcast: Life Advice with a Metaphysical Twist! **Show Format** * Introduction * What's New? * Tarot Overview of the Week * Q & A of the Week: JN - Show me the money! * Topic: What Reality are you Creating for Yourself? * Closing remarks Soul Terrific Salons will be held on the 1st Saturday of the month. First 30-40 min is Allie discussing the topic. The rest of the time it's Q & A about ANYTHING + Mini Readings. January - Soulful Connections: Soul Mates February - OBE Energy Sex: Telepathic Sex March - Soulgasmns: Living a soulful life with passion. April - Soulful Connections: Twin Flames May - Manifest Miracles Mentions From The Show: Isaac Lidsky: What reality are you creating for yourself? Soul Terrific Webinar + PDF: OBE Survey: