26 A R you taking good care of yourself?

Thriving at Sixty and Beyond show

Summary: Do you go to the Dentist or Doctor when you need to or do you put it off?<br> R you playing small because you have secrets?<br> There is a saying in Al-Anon you are only as sick as your secrets.<br> Do you want to become unmessable?<br> Do you minimize what you have accomplished?<br> Fear is false evidence appearing real, face everything and rejoice, or recover, or F    everything and run.  I have done all three, have you?<br> Who would like a complimentary 15 min coaching session with me?  I want to call you personally and hear about your dreams and frustrations and goals.  I WILL give you one AMAZING TIP THAT WILL help you immediately.  I will call the first 5 people who let me know they left a 5 star rating for this podcast.  Email me at Wendyb@thrivingatsixty,com with the word “coaching” in the subject line.  Remember I’m limiting it to 5 people who left me a 5 star rating?<br>