33. B Do You love Your Life!

Thriving at Sixty and Beyond show

Summary: I invite you to look at where you are not loving your Life.<br> Did you know that you can shift from being annoyed to being grateful?  Yes you can!<br> Where do you right away judge and evaluate a person, a situation before getting all the information?  Did you know if you were actually interested in their view or another view, the conversations you are having could shift?<br> If you keep coming from your judgments and evaluation’s there is a predictability about the outcome Yes!  Shift your views shift the outcome<br> Subscribe to my Podcast! Rate it a number 5<br> email me at Wendyb@thrivingatsixty.com, let me know what you want to talk about and if you are interested in being on the podcast!<br> go to my website thrivingatsixty.com to download earlier podcasts<br> Keep thriving<br>  <br>