52. Do You Have A High Tolerance For Pain!

Thriving at Sixty and Beyond show

Summary: Are you tolerating mental, physical, spiritual, financial pain?  What questions should you be asking yourself about this?  What Is holding you back from releasing the pain?  Is it mistrust holding you back?  Is it Mistrust of yourself, of others?  When was the first time you experienced this emotion?  What’s the earliest age you can remember experiencing this emotion? Is it a reality now or is it false evidence appearing real?<br> Do you want a chance to WIN a 15 minute coaching session with Wendy B!  Its limited to the first 5 people who rate me a number 5 and provide your user name on ITUNES.<br> <a href="http://thrivingatsixty.com">http://thrivingatsixty.com</a><br> Email me with the words COACHING in the subject line.  Remember I’m limiting it to the first 5 people.  I will call and give you one amazing tip!<br> <a href="mailto:wendyb@thrivingatsixty.com">wendyb@thrivingatsixty.com</a><br> KEEP THRIVING!<br> WENDDY B<br>  <br>