Podcast 67 Did You know even with dementia you can live independently!

Thriving at Sixty and Beyond show

Summary: I think it is great that we are learning that there are many things we can do with people who accept they have Dementia.<br> I believe,first of all, is acceptance and then we can learn what structures these people need to keep living independently<br> Dementia rocks everyone’s life, the patient and their loved ones so I think its important to learn as much as we can.<br> Their emotional feelings stay with them much longer than anything else, so its important to make them feel safe.  If you can have them in familiar surroundings and with familiar things they love including pictures of loved ones.  Its really important to have family and friends visit them even if the patient doesn’t seem to recognize individuals but they recognize the emotions that persons brings to them and it brings a sense of love and safety.<br> Check out women and Home Magazine and look for Wendy Mitchell Video<br>  <br> SUBSCRIBE TO MY POD CAST AND RATE IT A NUMBER 5!<br> Email me!<br> KEEP THRIVING!<br> WENDY B<br>