Podcast 74 How Can You Expand Quickly!

Thriving at Sixty and Beyond show

Summary: First look at why you want to expand ?  Is it becomes you want to grow and learn?  Do you want to make a difference, leave a legacy behind.  I want to be known as a person who burnt out not rusted out.  I want to leave this earth knowing that I shifted someone’s perception for the better.<br> Then start looking at where do you want to expand.  What actions would you need to take.  One simple one is sharing with as many people as possible so your community of people are enrolled in what you are up to.  You don’t have to know how to accomplish your goal just share.  Out of sharing someone might offer a suggestion that could alter your life, alter your actions.  As human beings all we want to do is contribute to one another, so start sharing.<br> Would having an accountability partner help?  Make some requests.  I have three accountability partners where I listen to what they are up to and then listen to what I am up to. We say what we are going to do and by when.<br>  <br> email me and and share  WHAT DID YOU LIKE BEST ABOUT THIS PODCAST?<br> Who would like a complimentary 15 min coaching session?  I want to call you personally and hear about your goals and dreams.  I will give you one amazing tip that will help you out! I will call people who let me know they left a 5 star rating for this podcast and provide their user name on ITUNES OR the PROVIDER they uesd.  JUST HIT THE BUTTON SUBSCRIBE TO MY PODCAST AND RATE IT A NUMBER  5<br> thanks for listening<br> KEEP THRIVING!<br> WENDY B<br>