Podcast 76aa Have You Ever Encountered Road Rage!

Thriving at Sixty and Beyond show

Summary: This Podcast will tell you what not to do!<br> Have you ever been followed  by someone because they are in a road rage?  There definitely is crazies out there that try to intimidate, threatened and frighten you.<br> I discovered two wrongs do not make it right.  My happiness is an inside job and if I catch myself reacting to someone else behaviour I need to look at why I’m being triggered and deal with my internal state.<br> Let go and let god<br> Say the serenity prayer and look at what am I committed to and take actions from that commitment not act out of feelings and thoughts.<br> What did you like best about this podcast? email me let me know<br> SUBSCRIBE TO MY PODCAST AND RATE IT A NUMBER 5<br> Who would like a complimentary 15 min coaching session?  I want to call u personally and hear about your dreams and your goals.  I will give you one amazing tip that will help you out.  I will call people who let me know they left a 5 star rating for this podcast and provide their user name on iTunes or there provider, so act fast.<br> JUST HIT TH BUTON SUBCRIBE TO MY PODCAST AND RTAE IT A NO 5!<br> THANKS FOR LISTENING!<br> KEEP THRIVING!<br> WENDY B<br>