Searching For Bigfoot-SHOW-5 25 November 2007

BigFoot Live  show

Summary: SHOW-5 - KNEW 910AM SFRAN SUNDAY 25 November 2007 -9:00 To 10:00PM Pacific Time LINE-UP OF ENTERTAINMENT: Host Tom Biscardi and Co-host Darryl Scotti Bring You Right In Your Face - Reality Radio At It's Finest: STARTING NEXT EXPEDITION "LIVE" 1. Tom talks with Joey Lovell, who takes us on an adventure that happened two days ago. Joey gets a 30lb rock thrown at him, finds 16" Tracks, hears whooping calls, and then has a visual of the creature. 2. Charlene Henry from Oregon calls in to say hi to Tom and she is ready to join him on upcoming expedtion. 3. Jan from Nashville calls in to ask Tom, how many creatures are there? 4. George calls in to ask Tom, what do we do when we capture a creature? 5. Steve Kulls (The Squatch Detective), Jim Snell, T.j., Java Bob, and Brian call in to disucss different aspects of upcoming expedtion. 6. MARCO Bill calls in to remind everyone to join Tom on the Bigfoot Liver Radio Show Wednesdays 7-8PM Pacific Time. Again the show ends way too soon! Next Week Friends. "Real Encounters" Through The Eyes, Ears and Voices Of The People Who Saw And Heard The Creatures.