11/10/2013 Nicole Strickland Author, Paranormal Investigator and the Queen Mary

Beyond The Edge Radio  show

Summary: his week Eric, Lon and Sean welcome Author, Paranormal Researcher, Investigator, Public Speaker About Nicole Nicole has been innately interested in the paranormal since childhood. She grew up in Las Vegas, Nevada, and the house that her family resided in had its share of ghosts. One in particular was the specter of an older man who originated from the 1800s. While attending the University of Arizona in Tucson in 2001, her beloved grandmother passed away from congestive heart failure. After attending her funeral services in San Diego, California, Nicole headed back to Tucson to pursue my senior year of college. For about two weeks after her grandmother's death, Nicole started to experience odd phenomena in my college apartment. The door knobs on my front and bedroom doors would rattle of their own volition. Mind you that her grandmother was always overly concerned with checking the doors to make sure they were locked when she was of body. Many times at night when Nicole was just about to fall asleep, she would feel the gentle caress of an invisible hand, which felt eerily familiar as if it came from a person she knew and loved. The most profound experience, however, was when Nicole would see her grandmother's apparition standing near my closet door. Nicole noticed her apparition almost every night for several days. Her apparition appeared glowing and translucent with a very familiar flowery house dress that her grandmother wore shortly before her death. Today, Nicole feels that she is of spirit and has moved on. Nicole has surmised that the experiences in her college apartment were her ways of making sure that she was okay. These above encounters were two of several encounters that really propelled my interest in studying the paranormal. Nicole has been in the lab studying the paranormal since 1996, but in 2006, she stepped out of that lab and directly into the field of paranormal investigation, while continuing her research of course. Nicole has worked with a few Southern California-based paranormal teams since 2006. It has always been a dream of hers to develop and run her own research and investigative team and that dream came to fruition on October 3, 2009 which was the day that the San Diego Paranormal Research Society was born. Nicole founded SDPRS along with Audrey and Charles Small. SDPRS investigates private residences, businesses and historical locales. They are comprised of dedicated, caring and experienced investigators. SDPRS also conducts courses regarding paranormal research and investigation. Please visit the team's website at http://www.sandiegoparanormalresearch.com for more information. In 2008, Nicole was fortunate to have met Dale Kaczmarek and Jim Graczyk of the Ghost Research Society while attending a conference up in Oak Hurst, California. Nicole ended up buying some of Dale's and Jim's books and that is when she learned about the reknowned Ghost Research Society Press. Dale mentioned that he is always looking for new authors and Nicole expressed her interests in writing books on the paranormal. Another one of her dreams had been to write books on the paranormal and that dream also came to reality with my first book, Field Guide to Southern California Hauntings, the 8th book in the GRS Press field guide series. Nicole's second book, The Haunted Queen of the Seas: The Living Legend of the RMS Queen Mary was published in May of 2010. Her third book will soon be published. A few weeks after the conference, Dale asked if Nicole would be interested in being the Southern California Area Research Director for the Ghost Research Society and of course, sheI jumped at the chance to get to know and work with this fantastic team. Nicole ended up joining the GRS in the Summer of 2009 on a trip to Louisville, Kentucky, for an investigation of the famous Waverly Hills Sanatorium. A truly amazing experience. Please visit http://www.ghostresearch.org/ fo(continued)