2/1/2015 Seth Breedlove, Allen Margargle and Jesse Morgan - The Minirva Monster

Beyond The Edge Radio  show

Summary: In this episode aired live on Sunday night February 1 we kick of Cryptid month here at BTE Radio. Our next contestant for the co-host contest is Walt Wadsworth. Walt and Eric welcome Documentary Film Director Seth Breedlove and Producers Jesse Morgan and Allen Magargel of Fathom Frontiers as we will be talking about the new film project called Small Town Monsters and discuss the first installment the Minerva Monster. In August of 1978 a small town in eastern Ohio was thrust into the spotlight when a local family sighted a “monster” in the woods behind their home. Over subsequent evenings they were repeatedly visited by the creature culminating in a late-night encounter that ended in local police being called in. The story blasted onto the front pages of newspapers across the state and into the consciousness of a nation. For weeks police, news crews, and scores of hunters descended on the town of Minerva with one common goal; to find the beast. The documentary film is directed by Seth Breedlove, and produced by Jesse Morgan and Alan Megargle. Minerva Monster is the first in a series of documentaries called Small Town Monsters. Setting aside all the drama, and preamble of previous “monster” documentaries, Minerva Monster will tell the story through witness interviews; the real story, in the words of those who lived it. The film will see an official release on May 16th at the Ohio Bigfoot Conference and be available for purchase on or around this same date. Local screenings will follow. A Facebook page has already launched (facebook.com/minervamonster) with more social media outlets to follow. A trailer is scheduled to drop around the end of January. About our guests: Seth Breedlove is a freelance investigative journalist and podcast host. He has contributed content to numerous websites on a variety of topics. He served as a columnist for the Massillon Independent, helming a weekly column titled "Slice of Life" that ran on the front page of the paper. In addition to his column he has covered news stories and daily assingnments for the Medina Gazette. He co-hosts a pop culture podcast called Ancillary Characters with his friends Allen and Paul. A new media enthusiast, Seth began podcasting in the mid-00's and continues to test the boundaries of the medium each week. In 2014 he started SasWhat: a Podcast About Bigfoot with co-host Mark Matzke where each week they discuss the subject as a whole and interview various personalities from the field. Seth has also researched and examined historical Bigfoot reports from across the country, compiling an extensive database of newspaper articles dating back to the early 1800's. He maintained a bi-weekly column for the Ohio Bigfoot Conference which examined possible Bigfoot historical newspaper reports from around the state of Ohio. In 2013 Seth began researching the Minerva Monster case. After compiling an expansive library of information relating to the case he pitched the idea of making a film based on the flap to Alan Megargle and Jesse Morgan. Together they've spent the last year working on the film. Jesse Morgan began taking researching Bigfoot seriously in the summer of 2009. Growing up with a family that primitive camped nearly every summer has given Jesse a lifetime of experience in the field. This comfort level allows Jesse to see and hear things others may miss while in the field. Jesse has a diverse background that includes strategic planning, marketing and military. Jesse’s background gives him a critical eye and the drive to get the answers needed to solve this mystery. Jesse would like nothing more than to bring conclusive evidence to the world that proves the existence of Bigfoot. Alan Megargle began in earnest researching the Bigfoot phenomenon during the summer of 2009. Being in the field has been the number one priority for Alan, and this effort has resulted in a number of “close calls” including recordings of possible w(continued)