The Proper Way For A Dog To Play Dead

Dave Rabbit show

Summary: Dave Rabbit has been entertaining military men & women combat troops for over 40 Years, since Saigon, Vietnam 1971. A three tour, Purple Heart, Vietnam Veteran, Dave has always put the entertainment of his fellow soldiers as his number one priority. Whether creating Radio First Termer and broadcasting from a downtown Saigon brothel or banging the airways in the deserts of Iraq & Afghanistan, Dave has always been there to support, defend and entertain his brothers and sisters in arms. If you liked this segment, please pass it on. If you know or have a family member in harms way, please pass along the website address: . Click To Follow Dave Rabbit CLICK To RETURN To Dave’s Main Home Page PLEASE Help Us GROW By Passing Dave’s HOME PAGE URL To EVERYONE In Your E-Mail ADDRESS BOOK! Subscribe To Dave Rabbit FREEWith iTunes Subscribe To Dave Rabbit FREEWith RSS Feed For Hundreds Of Other Dave Rabbit Media VISIT The Dave Rabbit Show ARCHIVES Comedy – Music – Rants - Interviews To DOWNLOAD This Program Put Your Mouse Cursor Over the word DOWNLOAD At The TOP, Then RIGHT CLICK. Slide The Cursor Down To SAVE LINK AS And Then CLICK.... Now Just Decide WHERE You Want To Download The File To And CLICK SAVE. You can also just CLICK DOWNLOAD and when the pop up box appears, make your decision from there. NEW MEDIA WEEKLY – CHECK BACK OFTEN JOIN The Worldwide Dave RabbitFAN NETWORK JOIN The Worldwide Dave RabbitFRIEND NETWORK KEEP UP WITH DAVE RABBIT ON