FuseBox Radio #470 - Black America Post-Ferguson: Special Interview Episode with B-Gyrl [creator of STLHipHop.com, HandsUpDontShoot.com, etc. + writer for "The Final Call"] (Week of March 12, 2016)

FuseBox Radio Broadcast show

Summary: This week, we have a special episode of the FuseBox Radio Broadcast with DJ Fusion & Ausar Ra Black Hawk where DJ Fusion interviewed St. Louis, MO based journalist, music technologist and more, B-Gyrl of HandsUpDontShoot.com, STLHipHop.com, "The Final Call" and more with some in-depth talk about the state of Black America (and really, America at large) post-Ferguson and the murder of Michael Brown by law enforcement almost 2 years later. We talked about on the beginnings of the grassroots movements that had Michael Brown's death come to national & international attention in the 1st place, the unfortunate rise and/or usage of Civil Rights Hustlers by mainstream America to engage in revisionist history of the grassroots movements that got Ferguson on a national level in the first place and who seemingly benefit from Black Pain almost immediately afterwards, the lack of constructive critique within our own community with various leaders/"leaders" of Black movements (especially when it came in regards to monetary donations & where they would end up going to that where supposed assist various local areas & issues) and some ideas of how overall we can hopefully make things better in this country in regards to dealing with issues of race, class and more overall. We also talked about some other things, including with the current political climate on local & national levels (especially with the twisted sideshow that is the current U.S. presidential nomination cycle from ALL parties, from Donald Trump's rise in the G.O.P. to the Democratic Party acting like the Black American Vote is supposed to be guaranteed & not fought for), Kanye West, some random music industry related advice and more! For more information and B-Gyrl and her various media outlets, actions and more, go to: http://www.HandsUpDontShoot.com http://www.STLHipHop.com http://facebook.com/bgyrlforlife Feel free to check out some recent episodes of the syndicated FuseBox Radio Broadcast over at our official blog, BlackRadioIsBack.com - most of the shows are clean/radio friendly!