FuseBox Radio #498 - NYME 2016: Technology, Humans, Curation & the Future of Music Discovery Panel [Week of Oct. 5, 2016]

FuseBox Radio Broadcast show

Summary: ** Introduction Song: Flamingosis - To the Clouds ** This week, we have a special mini-podcast episode of the FuseBox Radio Broadcast with DJ Fusion & Ausar Ra Black Hawk which features some audio from the New York Media Festival (NYME) panel, "Technology, Humans, Curation & the Future of Music Discovery" featuring Alex White (Head & Co-Founder, Next Big Sound, Pandora), Natasha Diggs (DJ, Soulinthehorn), Francois Vaxelaire, (Founder & Producer, The Lot Radio) and Nico Perez (Co-founder, Mixcloud). Panel Description via the NYME website: "In the ongoing drive to create the perfect music discovery solution, the balance between data-based algorithms vs human recommendations is in full swing. This panel will feature leaders in both spaces discussing the best practices for fans, artists, and the business alike." For more information about the New York Media Festival, go to http://www.MEFest.com.