Tired Of Hearing About It? I Am Tired Of Talking About It

The Paranormal Patriot show

Summary: <br>   And so it continues....This weeks show starts with Tom giving you his thoughts on Trumps ridiculous comments.  Just a warning, it gets pretty heated in this segment.<br>   Next, Tom will discuss what story the media is trying to hide with the Trump comments.  What will it take to put Hillary, Loretta Lynch and Director Comey behind bars.  Find out what was done during the FBI email investigation that should be on every front page in the country, but isn't.<br>   Lastly, is there a brewing nuclear war.  Tom has been in contact with some military members who say that the prospect of war is very high.  Find out why and how we got to this point.<br> Remember to share!!!<br> @theparapatriot<br> <a href="https://theparanormalpatriot.podbean.com/mailto:theparanormalpatriot@zoho.com">theparanormalpatriot@zoho.com</a><br>