Episode #753: The New Phil Hendrie Show

The World of Phil Hendrie show

Summary: Harvey Weirman remembers The Dolphins vs. The Chiefs, Christmas Day, 1971 and in the process remembers what he was doing that day (hint: it wasn't good...). Don Berman of Channel 19 News commiserates with Phil about a sports jacket for Phil that was altered too large... but Don doesn't worry, he can look like a half bagged pig. For our BSP Classic Hour, we visit Friday, October 18, 2002. Ted Bell announces his new restaurant in Washington D.C. Phil announces (not to be outdone) that he's going to be on Fox News with Shepard Smith. Chris Norton told a Gulf War widow that he was with her husband when he did... he got to have "sess" with her, but now he wants her to stop calling him. Go beyond the podcast with a Backstage Pass to the official Phil Hendrie Show website. Receive up to $150 in free digital CDs when you sign up! With a Backstage Pass, you'll receive the daily podcast completely ad-free along with the daily pre-show commentary with Phil and the daily BSP Classic Hour. You'll also receive access to our vast 20,000+ hour comedy archives, the exclusive Saturday BSP-Only show, the exclusive Saturday BSP-Only show, the exclusive BSP-Only Classic Podcast, our daily HD webcast, character clips, Lions football archives, weekly chats with Phil, and much more! Join our BSP family today! You won't regret it. philhendrieshow.com