Episode 237 - Top Ten Backing Bands w/Fuzzbee Morse

All Time Top Ten show

Summary: There's no shame to it. Unless your name is Todd Rundgren, everybody needs a little backup. Whether you're a dynamic stage performer with pipes of gold, or a shy but talented singer/songwriter, a good backing band can make a career. These unsung heroes have sometimes been the catalyst that turns an ordinary artist into a legend. Where would Bob Marley have been without his beloved Wailers? Would Elvis Costello's formative punk years be as revered without the energy, versatility and talent of Steve Nieve, Bruce Thomas and Pete Thomas of the Attractions? Probably not. All the greats that ever put on a heart-stopping live show or delivered a mind-blowing studio album did it in part because of the ladies and gentlemen behind the scenes. Singer, songwriter and multi-instrumental genius Fuzzbee Morse joins All Time Top Ten for the first time to help pay tribute to the best backing bands the music world has ever heard. If you're one of the uninitiated, Fuzzbee is a legend in his own right. His most recent album Dreams & Other Living Things features 3 members of rock n roll royalty as his amazing backing band. Find out more about the album and his astounding career at his website: http://www.fuzzbee.com Stream this playlist on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/alltimetopten/playlist/3LdNqb1aSnk1uOaeWFEVAi