Cynthia Taylor: A Song for the Forgotten Saints

Day1 Weekly Radio Broadcast - Day1 Feeds show

Summary:   "From ghoulies and ghosties. And long-leggedy beasties. And things that go bump in the night, Good Lord, deliver us!" It's the eve of All Hallow's Eve--Halloween and a time to remember the words to this old Scottish prayer to protect us from the dark spirits who wish us ill. But Halloween also means that we are on the eve of one of the great feasts days of the Christian calendar--All Saint's Day and remember all the spirits of light and life. This is one of my favorite celebrations of the whole Christian calendar--a day when we remember all the saints of God, not just the really well know saints like St. Francis but all the lesser saints like you and me. It is also a day to remember all the saints in our lives who now see God face to face. St. Paul, in writing to the people in Ephesus prayed "that they might know what is the hope to which Jesus has called them, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance among the saints." Today we get we get to peek behind the darkened veil and see that "glorious inheritance" realized. The list of the departed just from my own church household is long; there have been many, many loved ones lost this past year. But are they lost, if they now play in the presence of God? Haven't they been found and known in all the glory and love that our God always meant for them to have. And they certainly aren't forgotten. They are remembered by you and known by God and today they are remembered by all of us.