Alex Dafner Australian Jewish leaders criticized the UNESCO resolution denying any Jewish connection to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem 23.10.2016

Hebrew show

Summary: Australian Jewish leaders criticized the UNESCO resolution denying any Jewish connection to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and asked the Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop to make a statement condemning the resolution on behalf of Australians... (Australian Jewish leaders criticized the UNESCO resolution denying any Jewish connection to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and asked the Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop to make a statement condemning the resolution on behalf of Australians, Jewish and Christian. Greens leader Sen Richard Di Natale was the exception in criticizing the former Israeli PM and Pres Shimon Peres, eh, during a resolution in the Australian Senate honoring the recently deceased Israeli statesman and Nobel Prize for Peace Laurate. South Australian Senator Stirling Griff from the Nick Xenophon Team referred to his Jewish Lithuanian ancestors, who were murdered during the Holocaust in his maiden speech and highlighted his family history as reason for his stand against persecution of refugee and asylum seekers, discrimination on grounds of ethnicity and/or religion and reasoning for interfering in other countries affairs. Anns: The Kadimah presents: Sholem Aleichem: Not Dead Yet! A Tribute Show to the 100th Yortsayt of the beloved Yiddish Writer, three shows: 8pm Saturday 29 October, 2pm & 7pm Sunday 30 October - at the Phoenix Theatre, Elwood College, 101 Glen Huntly Road, Elwood. The show will feature vignettes from various celebrated Sholem Aleichem stories, songs and monologues with a narration created by Arnold Zable and performed by the ghost of Sholem Aleichem. Renowned New York Yiddish actor and director Shane Baker leads a talented local cast, in this show co-directed by him and Galit Klas. The show will be in both Yiddish and English, with English surtitles for the parts in Yiddish. )