Infendo Radio 362: Nintendo Switch!!!

Infendo Radio | Nintendo Podcast show

Summary: Thank you Nintendo. Thank you Miyamoto. Bless you Kimishima.<br> Nintendo NX Switch has finally been announced, and Infendo Radio is here to tell you all about it! It isn't all Nintendo Switch news as we briefly discuss <a href="">Pokémon GO</a> and <a href="">Pokémon Sun and Moon</a> in the news, we play a round of Nintentunes, and even find time for a community question after discussing they games we have been playing for the week.<br> We would love for your voice to be heard on the show, so hit us up! Tweet us <a href="">@infendo</a>, or shoot an email to <a href=""></a>.<br> Show notes:<br> Section Breakdown<br> Pokémon GO - 4:21<br> Pokémon Sun and Moon - 10:17<br> Nintendo Switch - 13:51<br> Nintentunes Game - 1:17:33<br> Infendo Change the System 1:32:10<br> Community - 2:01:46<br> Music<br> <a href="">White Denim - Ha Ha Ha Ha Yeah<br> </a><a href="">Will Smith - Switch</a><br> Follow<br> <a href="">@Infendo</a><br> <a href="">@InfendoEugene</a><br> <a href="">@InfendoJustin<br> </a><a href="">@Mike_the_Poet<br> </a><a href="">@helvetimusic</a>