FLOSS Weekly 407: Linux Presentation Day

FLOSS Weekly (Audio) show

Summary: <p>At the end of 2014, the Berlin Linux User Group (BeLUG) developed a concept for a joint Linux event which aims at interested people who do not know Linux yet and especially at the (non-IT) media. This event can be organized with very little effort i.e. by small groups without a budget, too. The first event of this kind was in Berlin in May 2015 at eight locations (each run by another organization).</p><p>The second Linux Presentation Day (LPD 2015.2) was on November, 14th 2015 but this time not limited to Berlin but in 72 cities in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland (more than 1,500 visitors). The LPD 2016.1 was on April, 30th 2016 in more than 110 cities in 10 countries.</p> <p><strong>Hosts:</strong> <a href="https://twit.tv/people/randal-schwartz">Randal Schwartz</a> and <a href="https://twit.tv/people/aaron-newcomb">Aaron Newcomb</a></p> <p><strong>Guest:</strong> <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/christoph-zimmermann-ab48353" target="_blank">Christoph Zimmermann</a></p> <p>Download or subscribe to this show at <a href="https://twit.tv/shows/floss-weekly">https://twit.tv/shows/floss-weekly</a></p><p><a href="http://bit.ly/flossweeklyguests" target="_blank">Here's what's coming up for FLOSS in the future</a>.</p><p>Think your open source project should be on FLOSS Weekly? Email Randal at <a href="mailto:merlyn@stonehenge.com">merlyn@stonehenge.com</a></p><p>Thanks to <a href="https://www.cachefly.com/" target="_blank">CacheFly</a> for providing the bandwidth for this podcast and <a href="http://lullabot.com/" target="_blank">Lullabot's</a> Jeff Robbins, web designer and musician, for our theme music.</p>