This Week in Paleo - Episode 12 - Whole Lotta Confusion + Sally Fallon + Joel Salatin + Michael Pollan + Neil Tyson + Politics

This Week in Paleo Archive show

Summary: Listen to this episode and subscribe to This Week in Paleo on iTunes: And in other podcast applications, you can subscribe with this direct RSS feed: Episode 12 of This Week in Paleo covers: Whole Lotta Confusion Low Sodium Avoid Sunshine Tougher Food Laws Body Scanners Science Has Been Hijacked & Faked (Primal Muse, Jamie Scott) After-the-Show Show Sally Fallon (3 Offenders + Honoring Food) Joel Salatin (TED) Michael Pollan (Don't Buy Advertised Foods) Dr. Bruce Fife (Coconut Oil) Neil Tyson (Argument from Ignorance) From the House of Representatives... === This Week in Paleo Podcast Show Notes: Whole Lotta Contradictions Eat Low Sodium Right? Sodium Leads to Hip Fractures in Eldery - Avoid Sunshine Right? Vitamin D Deficiency Contributes to 1 in 5 Americans Suffering from Mental Illness - We need tighter food laws, right? Corporations Writing Food Laws - Keep Us Safe Right? Airport X-ray Back Scatter Scanners Cause Cancer - The Science is All We Can Believe, Right? Science Has Been Hijacked & Fake Research - & Blog of the Week Primal Muse - After the show Sally Fallon - Three Offenders TED Talk - Joel Salatin - Sally Fallon - Honoring the Sacred Food - Michael Pollan - Don’t Buy What You See Advertised - Coconut Oil Helps Reduce Heart Disease - Dr. Bruce Fife - Argument from Ignorance - Neil deGrasse Tyson This Week in Paleo Episode 12