TVx3 E095: He’s Playing Hard to Get

TV times Three Podcast show

Summary: This week Janie from <a href="" title="Monsters &amp; Critics - The TV Cricket">The TV Cricket Blog at Monsters &amp; Critics</a> joined us to talk about the week in TV. You can also find her on Twitter @<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="View theTVcricket's Twitter Profile">theTVcricket</a>.<br> TV Show News<br> We talked about the following stories this week:<br> <br> * <a href="" title="The Office Finale Casting News |">The Office Exclusive: Ray Romano, James Spader, Catherine Tate in Running For Top Job</a><br> * <a href="" title="Showtime Picks Up Two New Series |">Showtime Picks Up Homeland &amp; House Of Lies To Series</a><br> * <a href="" title="FOX Gives Bob's Burgers a Second Season |">FOX Cooking Up Second Season of Bob's Burgers</a><br> <br> TV on DVD<br> We didn't really have a pick this week, but did discuss the <a href=";tag=tvtimesthree-20&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;camp=1789&amp;creative=9325&amp;creativeASIN=B004D9FLJY">Glee Encore</a> DVD release.<br> Primetime<br> We talked about the following seven shows from the week of Sunday, April 3rd to Sunday, April 10th:<br> <br> * The Killing – S.1 Ep.1, “Pilot,” Ep.2, “The Cage,” &amp; Ep.3, “El Diablo”<br> * No Ordinary Family – S.1 Ep.20, “No Ordinary Beginning” – Season, likely series, Finale<br> * The Good Wife – S.2 Ep.19, “Wrongful Termination”<br> * Lights Out – S.1 Ep.13, “War” – Series Finale<br> * Breaking In – S.1 Ep.1, “Pilot”<br> * Justified – S.2 Ep.9, “Brother's Keeper”<br> * Nikita – S.1 Ep.17, “Covenants”<br> <br> Amrie's Reality Check<br> Amrie talked a bit about the latest eliminations on The Amazing Race and Survivor and couldn't resist a little Extreme Couponing.<br> <br> <br> What do you think of the The Killing so far? Would you be on board for a second season of No Ordinary Family? Did you think Breaking In was funny? What did you think of this week's guest? Let us know in the comments, send us an <a href="">eMail</a>, <a href="" title="TVtimesThree on Twitter">connect via Twitter</a>, or <a href="">Like us on Facebook</a>.<br> <a href=";ServiceVersion=20070822&amp;MarketPlace=US&amp;ID=V20070822%2FUS%2Fjasonjgriffin-20%2F8010%2F70a2b984-e81b-4e1e-9025-229a99b20565&amp;Operation=NoScript"> Widgets</a><br>