TVx3 E110: Our 3rd Anniversary Episode

TV times Three Podcast show

Summary: This week Rae (@<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="View raelee's Twitter Profile">raelee</a>) from the Internet was back with us to talk about some cancellation and renewal news, preview the Fall Cable 2011 lineup, and talk about a few shows we've been watching.<br> TV News<br> We talked about the following four news stories:<br> <br> * ABC Family has decided not to renew The Nine Lives of Chloe King and State of Georgia for second seasons.<br> * CBS has picked up Big Brother for a 14th season to air next summer.<br> * USA Network has renewed Covert Affairs for its third, Necessary Roughness for its second and Royal Pains for its fourth season.<br> * A little Emmys talk.<br> <br> TV on DVD Picks for Tuesday, September 27th<br> <br> * Amrie – <a href=";tag=tvtimesthree-20&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;camp=217145&amp;creative=399373&amp;creativeASIN=B003L77FZM">The Middle: The Complete Second Season</a><br> * Jason &amp; Rae – <a href=";tag=tvtimesthree-20&amp;linkCode=as2&amp;camp=217145&amp;creative=399373&amp;creativeASIN=B003L77G6U">How I Met Your Mother: Season Six</a><br> <br> Cable Fall Preview 2011<br> We went through the week giving premiere dates for all the returning cable series and then gave our picks for what we will be watching.<br> Primetime<br> We talked about the following five shows:<br> <br> * The Closer – S.7 Ep.10, “Fresh Pursuit” (Summer Finale)<br> * Warehouse 13 – S.3 Ep.9, “Shadows”<br> * Awkward. – S.1 Ep.9, “My Super Bittersweet Sixteen”<br> * The Vampire Diaries – S.3 Ep.1, “The Birthday”<br> * It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia – S.7 Ep.1, “Frank's Pretty Woman”<br> <br> Amrie's Reality Check<br> Amrie gives her thoughts on The Great Food Truck Race, Survivor, and Top Chef: Just Desserts.<br> Listen<br> <br> <br> Are you looking forward to any of cable shows this fall? What do you think about the first season of Awkward.? How about the ending of summer season of The Closer? Let us know in the comments, send us an <a href="">eMail</a>, <a href="" title="TVtimesThree on Twitter">connect via Twitter</a>, or <a href="">Like us on Facebook</a>.<br> <a href=";ServiceVersion=20070822&amp;MarketPlace=US&amp;ID=V20070822%2FUS%2Fjasonjgriffin-20%2F8010%2F1e99a32b-56d0-4148-87ec-7d521b209a19&amp;Operation=NoScript"> Widgets</a><br>