S4E36 – #WikiRolled

AirWreckRadio Podcasts show

Summary: This weeks episode of AirWreckRadio is a well polished, smooth running machine of a podcast locomotive. We start our adventure as our heroes cover what happened to Kim K, Oh My Gawd! Then on to less important things like the Vice-Presidential debates, the Libertarian candidate Gary Johnsons inability to be interviewed, and Donald Trumps tax return. Spinning a yarn of absurdity Cory and Stacey then move onto Donald Trumps latest verbal gaffe (PTSD Veterans) leading to Rudy Giuliani’s Trump like verbal diarrhea (Taxes and women) and Hillary Clinton’s resume. Wrapping up this well-rounded show is a conversation about the American position worldwide.<br> AirWreckRadio: Doing our business on the internet. <br> #AirWreckRadio #Podcast #VPDebates #Johnson2016 #Libertarian #Republican #Democrate #PoopJoke <br>