Episode #743: The New Phil Hendrie Show

The World of Phil Hendrie show

Summary: Margaret Grey sings a selection from her gig Saturday night at Alvin's Dockside and takes no end of shit from Bud. Also, Bud bitches that he and Bosell should do football again, since the General and RC are covering the debates and the Saturday Cinema. The BSP Classic Show brings us Vernon Dozier from 2004, who is mentoring a kid whose mom wants breast augmentation, so Vernon thinks he can 'help' her out and everyone gets what they want. Go beyond the podcast with a Backstage Pass to the official Phil Hendrie Show website. Receive up to $150 in free digital CDs when you sign up! With a Backstage Pass, you'll receive the daily podcast completely ad-free along with the daily pre-show commentary with Phil and the daily BSP Classic Hour. You'll also receive access to our vast 20,000+ hour comedy archives, the exclusive Saturday BSP-Only show, the exclusive Saturday BSP-Only show, the exclusive BSP-Only Classic Podcast, our daily HD webcast, character clips, Lions football archives, weekly chats with Phil, and much more! Join our BSP family today! You won't regret it. philhendrieshow.com