Did Jesus Teach Dominionism? (The Gospels: Parables of the Kingdom)

People of the Free Gift show

Summary: Did Jesus teach that the Kingdom of God would continuously increase and expand until it permeates the whole world? Should Christians not only seek to convert souls, but also change political and social structures? Or did Jesus mean something different by his Kingdom parables? <br> <br> In this message we talk about why our view of the Bible and way we interpret the Bible is so important. Did Jesus give us the key to interpreting his parables? Are his parables actually a great example of the Holy Spirit's design of Scripture? <br> <br> This is part of a larger series called "The Gospels: Full of Grace and Truth." To view all of our messages for FREE, go to www.peopleofthefreegift.com/bookstore. <br> <br> If you liked this message:<br> 1) Subscribe to the podcast<br> 2) Give a review on itunes<br> 3) Share the channel and podcast with others<br> <br> Thank you for your support<br> <br> People of the Free Gift exists to ground believers in their identity in Christ and equip them to reach those caught in religion.<br> <br> "Freely you have received. Freely give." - Jesus<br>