Cloud-Delivered SD-WAN Pioneer.... Velocloud's Michael Wood Is On The Positive Podcast

Positive Phil Show show

Summary: VeloCloud Networks VP Marketing…Michael Wood chats with Positive Phil on the Positive Phil Show.. Help Encourage Positive Values By Clicking The Following Link Our Mission Is To Spread Positive Values and Inspiring Stories of Entrepreneurship. Please Support Our Positive Podcast. In return… We Will Give You and Your Company Visibility Through Podcast Sponsorship and Social Media Marketing. VeloCloud, a Cloud-Delivered SD-WAN pioneer simplifies branch WAN networking by automating deployment and improving performance over private, broadband Internet and LTE links for today’s increasingly distributed enterprises, as well as service providers. Mentions: One thing I love about this show is how my guests can actually inspire and empower our listeners to grow their businesses. It just so happens that our sponsor FreshBooks know a thing or two about empowering small business owners. They’ve just launch ed an a ll new version of their cloud accounting software that’s been redesigned from the ground up. Get ready to work smarter, become more organized, and get paid quickly. Now what’s more empowering that that? ( Put Positive Phil, In the How Did You hear About Us Section) Additional information SD-WAN is one of the hottest markets today. IDC predicts it will hit $6 BILLION by 2020. Here is some information: We chat about the following: Why did you want to jump back into the startup market? What are the company's main benefits? Why does IDC predict such growth for the market? What about cloud-delivered, why as SD-WAN companies migrating to this approach VeloCloud pioneered? What advantages does cloud-delivered provide? Additional Links To ShareMike's bio is here: Company description is here: We welcome passionate and positive people… Positive Phil has interviewed some of the most accomplished people on the planet …They have one thing in common… ‘’The program consists of interviews with positive people and thought leaders, as well as others in the social, business and entertainment community. Itunes Link: Subscribe: Stitcher Radio: Motivating Stories for Personal and Professional Growth. Real Stories /True Success Positive Phil is an American based podcaster. He started the Positive Phil Show in March 2009. Production of the Positive Phil Show, a showcase podcast for Positive Individuals and Companies.